I'm not dead! I'm working on a COMMISSION!
Ahh how time flies when you're having fun! The last time I updated this blog (back in April) I was on a huge high from both the Latela Collage Show AND the Pancakes and Booze art exhibition at Penn Social.
The collage show was a huge success and I even ended up selling one of my pieces (shown below).

Pancakes and Booze was all around a positive experience! I felt completely in my element cocooned by my artist peers who happened to be of every race, sexual orientation, gender, "skill level" and more. The vibes were so good and so inclusive. I loved it!
This is where I rant a little about the cosmos. Something aligned in my favor because two women very patiently listened while I monologue'd about my art and how lovely the P&B event was because of the diversity and inclusive vibes.
So to my surprise, 5 days later, I was contacted by a DC company (one of the women works for) interested IN A COMMISSION! They were interested in 3 to 4, three or four foot square or rectangle pieces. They quoted a price and I dived right in, eyes wide open. At first we corresponded by email then met in person and decided on a direction to go. Then it was up to me to produce mock-ups. It was a very exhilarating time artistically.
Here are the first 8 mock-ups:
My contact at the company shopped the pieces (8x8 inches for the most part) around to the other employees and higher ups. While I crossed my fingers they would like them! And it turned out they DID like them. We met and discussed the elements of each and which were preferred over others. I was asked to make a few more mock-ups incorporating their feedback.
I started with these two 12x12inches:
But something did not add up with the logo sunburst. So I reluctantly but successfully created a stencil true to their logo and came up with these 4:
I showed these four to several members of the company and they liked the yellow sunburst on the blue background. From there we worked together to come up with ideas for the final versions. So now I'm just waiting for a little more feedback before I start work on 3, three foot by three foot paintings! I'll keep you updated! Thanks for reading.